martes, 29 de enero de 2019


Lat class, we saw a video where it says that every story can be analysed at the same way. So, I'm going to develop the film The bicycle thieve.


1. YOU: A family of the second post world war is hungry.
2. NEED: They need a job to be able to feed the family.
3. GO: He find a job, where it is essential to have a bicycle. So, he sells some sheets to have the enough money for buying the bicycle. 
4. SEARCH: In the first day of job, they stole him the bicycle.
5. FIND: He goes with his son in the search of the bicycle.
6. TAKE: Nobody wants to help him.
7. RETURN: He is hopeless so, he tries to steal a bicycle of the street.
8. CHANGE: He is caught by the people, so he still stays without bicycle, and he is attacked. 

martes, 15 de enero de 2019




1. Detail your idea:

Our idea is to mix pieces of crunchy krissia with mayonaisse in a container. This pieces, are crunchy from the outside and on the inside are soft, so we tough to put a fork to eat it more easily. This two products will be in the same container but separated in two sections.
There will be two different packagings: The individual one, which will cost 1€ and the pack of 6, which will cost 4€ and will carry a toy whose name is “catch me Crabbie”.

This product is going to be consumed by kids and the parents will buy it. Because of that, our product is going to be easy to prepare, healthy and cheap. The kids will love it because is yummy and can win a toy and the parents will love it because their children will eat more fish.
2. Two virtues

Our idea has not only 2 virtues, it has a lot more because is the best idea you have ever heard !!!

One virtue could be that you don’t have to cook it, you buy it and you can eat it right away. Parents like the fact that you don’t have to cook something, overcoat busy parents.

Another virtue could be that it may be sold in candy shops, so kids will see the attractive packaging and they’ll buy it. When kids see that many kids buys the product it will become little by little famous and many people will be buying it, aslo kids with their pay.

3. Two problems and your response

We didn’t have any big problems in this project. One of the problems we had was that we didn't know which sauce to put in our CRUNCHY KRISSIA. We thought about putting a healthy sauce like avocado sauce but finally we decided to put mayonnaise.

Another problem was that we didn’t know what to put to take the crunchy krissia pieces and deep them in the sauce. We thought about a toothpick but finally we decided to put a small fork.

4. How to make it real? What do you need to make it possible.

This are the essential materials and ingredients to make our product possible:

A container and a fork
Pieces of krissia crunchy

5. Which points of the challenge do you address with your proposition.

The people that told us the challenge told us some points and in our we added some of them, for example:

I- The product had to be for kids or young people, for kids it may be very appealing.
II- We’re promoting the idea that eating fish is good for kids and they can eat fish eating our Crunchy Krissia !!!
III- Is a healthy product.

6. Which technical help do you need

We will need some help to create a package that will attract young people.

7. Why is your project the best possible?

We think that our idea is the best, because, like we have already said, it is easy to prepare, so you don´t need to waste your time cooking or even preparing it. Also, it a very unique idea because we can´t find any product for children with fish, nevertheless our idea is very yummy, it tastes like glory.


We have been working on this power point about Iceland to make a virtual trip. But it has a particularity, it is a  Pechakucha , this means...