martes, 26 de febrero de 2019


The second term has just finished. I think that I've been working hard on projects like the Krissia challenge or the music videos for example. Even if we had problems on uploading some parts of the work, I had a lot of fun this term and I have big expectations on the third one.

sábado, 16 de febrero de 2019


We have been strongly working to make this heritage video, our idea was to film the most beautiful parts of Donosti and the culture of it. We have had lots of problems to upload it so hope you like it!

Well, after uploading the video we have realised that the images appear in black, so we will try to fix it after exams, we´re sorry...


We have been working on groups to make storyboards. Our story tells the story of a penguin. At first it is weak an it feels tired, but it starts becoming and feeling stronger when eating fish.  Hope you like it!

martes, 12 de febrero de 2019

Bicycle Thieves, Vittoria De Sica, 1948

``Bicycle Thieves´´ is a 1948 drama film, which was directed by Vittorio De Sica. It tells the story of a man whose bicycle was stolen in Rome at the second post Word War. The bicycle is very important for him because without it he will lose his job, so he won´t be able to feed his family.

This story is inspired by the second post World War. At these ages there was not enough food, so the hunger it was very widespread. These is the reason why the father was so hopeless for finding the bicycle. Even if he was upset, weak or wrong, he would give everything he had for his family.

It is a very slow film, and this might be a bit boring, but it is very realistic so you can see how people was living at these ages.

In my opinion, is a boring film, so I didn´t enjoy watching it, but for someone who likes realistic slow films, I think it will love it. 

viernes, 1 de febrero de 2019



-Easy to prepare


-Kids don’t usually eat fish


-A new product.
-For people of all ages
-Different from the rest


Today, our teacher told us to analyse another film, this time we're gonna do it with our favorite film, mine is Pearl Harbor.

Pearl Harbor is a 2001 American romantic period war drama film directed by Michael Bay,Rafe and Danny are best friends who are also pilots. When World War II breaks out in Europe, America chooses not to join but they train nonetheless, so Rafe and Danny join the Army Air Corps. Rafe meets a nurse named Evelyn and falls for her. But when he gets an opportunity to go join the Britsh Air Corps, he jumps at it. Shortly after he leaves, he gets shot down and is reported killed. Danny and Evelyn who are stationed in Pearl Harbor, lean on each other after learning of what happened to Rafe. It isn't long that they're together. But suddenly Rafe returns. And when he learns about them, he freaks out and he goes after Danny. But suddenly Pearl Harbor is attacked, and they shoot down some the planes attacking them. Later, Roosevelt decides to retaliate against Japan and Colonel Doolittle is placed in charge and asks Rafe and Danny to join him and they accept knowing that the chances of them coming back is slim. But things between them are still tense. I love this film because is romantic and very moving. 

It is a very large film, so I don't know really which is my favorite scene, but the most one would be the final one and the love story between Danny, Rafe and the nurse.

I would recommend this film to all those who like moving, romantic and war films, is the type of film to watch on a rainy day with some friends and popcorn.


For this project we had to take a photo of the neighborhood of the school. This is my photo:


Today, we have been making a visual thinking to make more visual our project:


We had to do a challenge that Angulas Aguinaga told us to do. This challenge consist on searching for ideas to make kids eat fish using their product Krissia.
Resultado de imagen de krissia
Elsa, Leire, Joseba and I have a lot of ideas for this challenge but we are looking for the best one, we have good expectations about it.

This entry has been made by Elsa and I.


We have been working on this power point about Iceland to make a virtual trip. But it has a particularity, it is a  Pechakucha , this means...